The section of the act of the of the UK Criminal Justice and Immigration Act (CJIA) banning possession of so called "extreme pornography" is scheduled to go into effect January 26th.
Rather than attempting to characterize it myself, I'll point readers over to the Spanner Trust January Newsletter for a brief overview.
Before the new law goes into effect there will be a protest at Parliament-
Consenting Adult Action Network at Parliament Sunday January 25th
Join us to mark the death of another freedom.
At 2-5pm
On Sunday 25th January 2009
Parliament Square Westminster, London (UK)
Being in the United States, much of what I have come to understand about the situation comes by way of web research and media reports, but I'll pass along some useful links for those interested.
The CJIA clauses criminalizing "extreme pornography"
Ministry of Justice further guidanceOpponents-
Backlash (see their about us page) monitors the implementation of the law. Their site chronicles the development of the law and the oppositional efforts working against it. It also includes a very useful media coverage roundup.
Also be sure to see Backlash's piece, Your Rights Upon Police Search, Arrest and Detention and their legal advisory.
Other useful links include-
The Spanner Trust
The Sexual Freedom Coalition
And The Consenting Adult Action Network