Monday, July 23, 2007

Sakishima habu- and an introduction of sorts


By way of introduction, below are several links containing information about Habu, and specifically, Sakishima Beauty Snakes:


What does the snake have to do with me, the blogger, and this, the blog?

The vipers and I share certain personality traits, and habits. Further, I find it an apt name to use to camouflage my identity for purposes of this particular blogging.

So then, set to what purpose is "Slitherings?"

"Slitherings" will serve as a form of kink blogging/Leather journaling to me. I hope to use it as a place to corral ideas, reactions, responses, and memory into one place, online, where perhaps, almost coincidentally, others might from time to time find it of use. Primarily through, it serves as a first person account, and record of my own Leather journey.

So why name such a chronicle, and myself for that matter, after these serpents on the opposite side of globe? For many reasons. Not the least of which being, they are such beautiful "poison ropes".

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